During the existence of Workman, we were able to develop many projects that are related to installing and providing services to public and private buildings for different entities and organizations.
In this specific field we took care ff remodelling the street lights in Las Galletas and the renovation of the fountain in the Avenue Antonio Dominguez which is situated in the municipal area of Arona. At the private sector we can find works like the construction of the LPG installation for DISA Company.

Workman has had the opportunity to participate in the remodelling and construction of many educational centres.
In that field of work we can find constructions like the remodelling of the playground of the CEIP of Los Abrigos in the municipal area of Granadilla de Abona and the remodelling and improving of the swimming pool of the CEIP of Chacona in Güimar.

Related to housing, Workman has realized several private constructions. In that category we can find anything from small interventions in small parts of houses but also full renovations of houses.
Workman has also done many new constructions of different villas.

Civil engineering works
Public works
Housing works

In the fields of commercial properties and offices, our company has been involved in the execution of works that requires a high degree of involvement, both in remodelling commercial premises for various brands and franchises.
Among the examples are assignments for franchises such as Tony Roma’s and the chain of Martini Bars as well as the design and construction of a Call Centre space for Can Do Company.

Commercial and offices works
years of service
works done

During the existence of Workman, we were able to develop many projects that are related to installing and providing services to public and private buildings for different entities and organizations.
In this specific field we took care ff remodelling the street lights in Las Galletas and the renovation of the fountain in the Avenue Antonio Dominguez which is situated in the municipal area of Arona. At the private sector we can find works like the construction of the LPG installation for DISA Company.

Worman has had the opportunity to participate in the remodelling and construction of many educational centres.
In that field of work we can find constructions like the remodelling of the playground of the CEIP of Los Abrigos in the municipal area of Granadilla de Abona and the remodelling and improving of the swimming pool of the CEIP of Chacona in Güimar.

Civil engineering works
Public works

Related to housing, Workman has realized several private constructions. In that category we can find anything from small interventions in small parts of houses but also full renovations of houses.
Workman has also done many new constructions of different villas.

In the fields of commercial properties and offices, our company has been involved in the execution of works that requires a high degree of involvement, both in remodelling commercial premises for various brands and franchises.
Among the examples are assignments for franchises such as Tony Roma’s and the chain of Martini Bars as well as the design and construction of a Call Centre space for Can Do Company.

Housing works
Commercial and offices works
years of service
works done

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